Jumpstart your pre-schoolers’ maths for primary level success
April 3, 2023
Crestar Learning Centre has introduced a new Maths Jumpers Junior programme to jumpstart pre-schoolers maths skill in preparation or Primary school.
The curriculum is specially designed to build a strong maths foundation for children age 4 to 6 years old. Using concrete-pictorial-abstract method, it is aligned with the Singapore mathematics curriculum requirements.
Learning through play and story-based activities, teachers will use age-appropriate pedagogies to engage the children in learning math concepts and skills, stimulating their interest to learn more.
The programme also introduce the use of concrete tools and tactile manipulatives to help the children understand mathematics concepts to become creative problem solvers.
Children can look to acquire number sense and the ability to understand and relate to maths concepts to perform accurate mental calculations. With the early head-start, the students will develop confidence and a positive attitude towards mathematics.
The programme has three levels, namely:
Level 1: (typically for age 4), children will be engaged in fun learning activities through concrete tools (counters and games etc)
Level 2: (typically for age 5), children will be groomed to love and excel in maths. At this stage they will be taught to tell time, simple graphs and logical reasoning etc
Level 3: (typically for age 6). This is where they will be taught concepts to get ready for primary one.
Parents will also receive coaching and guidance to have fun with their children while they learn at home.
This new Maths Jumper programme is conducted by our experienced mathematics enrichment teachers. It is available at all Crestar Learning Centre locations.

Tactile tool promotes a positive sensory experience. Children here gets to understand how a balancing beam works.
For more information: https://crestar.com.sg/maths-enrichment/maths-jumpers-junior/