Inspiring Aspiring Scientist – Exclusive Parenting Seminar

June 24, 2016

Crestar Learning Centre, in partnership with Genome Application Life Sciences Pte Ltd, will be bringing you an exclusive parenting seminar by Dr Sng Jen-Hwei and Ms Rosemary Chng on ‘Inspiring Aspiring Scientist – Maximising Your Child’s Potential In Science’.

Find out how parents can create a holistic and fun learning environment for their children, to enthuse them from a scientific perspective of the amazing world that they are living in and to inculcate & cultivate in them a spontaneous curiosity of discovering about nature & the living science that permeates their daily lives.

Pre-registration is required. To register, see below for the contact and seminar session of the various centres.



Heng Mun LingGet The Beat Competition Results 2016 – Crestar Students
Alice in Wonderland’ Dance Concert on the 14 August 2016